Kamal Gold Organic PNG Medium RoastÂ
A-grade Organic Papua New Guinea beans direct from the Kamal Tribe and Brazilian green beans, 100% Arabica.
$45.00 (Incl. GST)
Haha, you guys thought I was all about Herbal Teas, didn’t you? I’ll let you in on a secret… I’m a coffee junky! Yep you heard that right COFFEE!! Not just any coffee though. The truth is that ‘real’ coffee does have significant health benefits, provided that you avoid commercial, chemically infused beans. Oh, and decaffeinated coffee is a chemical mess…avoid it like the plague! Coffee in its purest, organic form, free from chemical pesticides and fertilisers, that has not been chemically infused has many health benefits. Its super high in antioxidants, contains essential nutrients including vitamins B2, B3 & B5, manganese, potassium, magnesium and niacin. Coffee is well-known for its energy-boosting, appetite-suppressing and fat-burning properties is best consumed in the morning. Herbal Valley’s organic Kamal Gold blend is all that above and more, A mild smooth coffee with a caramel finish and lingering sweet after taste.
3 in stock
Kamal Gold Organic PNG Medium RoastÂ
A-grade Organic Papua New Guinea beans direct from the Kamal Tribe and Brazilian green beans, 100% Arabica.
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