Organic Butterfly Pea, Marshmellow root, Liquorice root, Fennel Seed, Mullein, Thyme, Honey, Lemon extract, Distilled rain water.
$30.00 (Incl. GST)
Looking for a natural cough remedy? Herbal Valley has the perfect recipe to have on hand that may soothe sore throats and help stop lingering coughs. The marshmellow root, mullein and liquorice root work in conjunction with each other helping to break up and remove mucus and open the airways. While the butterflyPea not only gives off the vibrant blue colour with a touch of lemon wulla the magic of nature has turned it magenta in colour, its jam packed full of nutrients and thyme providing a natural antibiotic effect, smoothed over with a splash of honey. Adding the cough syrup to a foot bath may help to reap these benefits.
15 in stock
Organic Butterfly Pea, Marshmellow root, Liquorice root, Fennel Seed, Mullein, Thyme, Honey, Lemon extract, Distilled rain water.
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